The PageMaker window is designed to create and easily improve a document. PageMaker has many options that make it even easier to work in PageMaker PageMaker Workspace / Work Area or Screen contains the following components:

  • Title bar
  • Menu bar
  • Standard Toolbar
  • Toolbox
  • Rulers and Guides
  • Pasteboard Document Layout and Pasteboard
  • Control pellet
  • page border
  • Margin guideline
  • Page icons
  • scroll bar
  • Resize box and previous size box
  • Palette

Title bar

The title bar is the top bar of the PageMaker program window. The title bar displays the name of your document. If you are working with a new document, it will normally display Untitled - 1 until you give a name to your file.

Menu Bar

PageMaker's menu bar is a group of 9 useful menus, namely , File, Edit, Layout, Type, Element, Utilities, View, Window and Help respectively. The PageMaker menu bar contains menus to complete various tasks, just like the menu bar of any other application. Menus are arranged by subject. For example, the File menu includes options related to working on a file, and the Edit menu includes options for editing tasks.

Standard Toolbar

PageMaker is a set of standard toolbar tools that act as a shortcut command, which you can click to complete a specific task. The following table shows the names and effects of standard toolbar tools.

Tool name
Tool effect


This opens a new PageMaker publication or template file.


This opens the existing publication or template file. By default, it opens a copy of the actual publication or template file.


It stores the active publication in a file with the same name or if you have not saved the file, it asks you for the name of the file. After saving, you can continue working on your publication. Saves are usually done to prevent your work from being lost.


It prints a publication or book on a printer or as a postscript file for a disk. The available printing options depend on the printer you are using.


It locates the specified text, characters, or formatting (font, size, etc.) in the selected text, in the entire story, in all stories in active publication, or in all stories in all open publications.

Character Specs

It controls the font, size, and other attributes of the selected series of the text, the default part, or part of the style.

Increase Font Size

This button is used to increase the font size.

Decrease Font Size

This button is used to reduce the font size.


It examines the basic mistakes of spelling and grammar in selected text and helps to rectify them.

Fill and Stroke

Sets fill and stroke for the selected object, which includes fill or stroke overprints or affected objects in the background.

Paragraph Specs

It sets paragraph-level attributes for single paragraphs, for text located in the pagemaker, for part of the style, or for default settings.


It sets left and right indents, first-line indents, and tabs. You can use the indent / tab for the selected range of text, for the text in the pagemaker, for the part of the style, or for the default settings.

Bullets and Numbering

This button is used to set bullets and numbering for paragraphs.


This button is used to reduce the left indent of a paragraph.


This button is used to increase the left indent of a paragraph.

Insert Pages

Lets insert new pages before or after the current page, or between two pages, and specify the master applied to the new pages.

Remove Pages

Deletes a given series of pages in the publication, which also includes the text and graphics of those pages.

Frame Option

It combines text and graphics in a frame, sets the attributes for the frames and objects contained in them, and navigates between frames.

Text Wrap

This lets you determine how it is displayed when confronted with a graphics object. The text interacts with a graphic object in three ways: it can cover a graphic object, bind a rectangular shape, or bind around an irregular shape.

Update Link

This button is used to update a link in your publication.

Picture Palette

This button is used to insert clipart and image in its publication.


It imports text, graphics, and spreadsheet or database files in active publishing. The available options depend on what is selected when selecting this command. The files you can place depend on the installed import filters.


This button provides a link to Photoshop for using various effects of Photoshop in PageMaker 7.0.

HTML Export

It creates an HTML version of active publishing, which can be viewed in a world wide web browser on various computer platforms.

Export Adobe PDF

It produces an Adobe PDF version of active publishing, which can be used for on-screen viewing and electronic distribution. PDF files can be downloaded from various platforms with full clarity of page layout and actual documents, and can be viewed and printed. PDF files can be viewed in a web browser using the Acrobat Reader 3.0 plug-in.

Zoom In

This makes the page appear more zoomed.

Zoom Out

This makes the page zoom out.

Actual Size

It displays the entire page or two-page spread in the publication window.

Fit in Window

It displays the entire page or two-page spread in the publication window.


This is a box of tools used while working in PageMaker, here you get 14 types of tools to create a publication. The file that is created in PageMaker is called Publication. You can move it anywhere as per your convenience.

When a new publication is created in PageMaker or a previously created publication is opened, only the Icons that are in the tool box are visible. If for any reason the tool box is not visible, then you can edit the text and graphics of the publication in PageMaker by opening the window menu and clicking Show Tools.

Rulers and Guides

The rulers are displayed in the top and left corners of the pagemaker, which help the user to position objects on the layout. If multiple columns are used on the page, vertical column guides will be present.

Individual guidelines can be added on their own for a more accurate layout, to ensure that the objects are aligned. PageMaker provides two customized rulers that run horizontally and vertically in the middle of your screen. You can set the ruler to measure in inches or Picas (a unit of measurement unique on Picas typography. A pica is equal to 12 points, which is 1/6 of an inch).

Pasteboard Document Layout and Pasteboard

The largest screen area in Adobe PageMaker is the document layout and pasteboard area. This is the area where text and graphics are put together to form a page. This page is shown as a white import with a black outline.

A small rectangle with a blue outline inside the page shows margins. If the page orientation is changed from Portrait (8.5 × 11 in) to landscape (11 × 8.5 in), the layout import also changes to show how your document will be printed.

The area outside the page rectangle is called Pasteboard. The user can position layout objects, which include text and graphics, when determining where to position them on the page. Only objects within the margin line will be printed.

This is the background that stays behind your pagemaker document. If you need to move text or images between pages, these are a convenient element to use. You can keep these items on the pasteboard until you have determined where to position them on the page. There is no text or image printed on the pasteboard.

Pasteboard only one (there is no separate pasteboard for each page). When you change the page, the view of your pastboard will not change.

  • To view the pasteboard, click View on the main menu and then click on Entire Pasteboard.
  • The pasteboard does not change, even if the page changes.
  • To go back to the page view, click View and then click Fit in Window.

Page Boundaries

These display the corner of your paper. Any text or image is located outside or on the boundary, but will not be printed.

Control Pallets

In this, options like font, font size, bold, italic, underline, line spacing, etc. are given. Which are used in doing any kind of editing while working on the publication.

Page border

With this you can select the border of the page. How much border do you have to keep? If you have typed something and it goes out of the page border then it does not print when you remove the print.

Margin Guidelines

This option is used to determine the place of typing inside a page. It appears as a thin blue line on the page.

Page Icons

A pagemaker document can contain many pages. Every time a new page is added, a thumbnail icon is present in the lower left corner of the screen. The user can move from one page to another page by clicking on the relevant icon. The icon will be displayed even if the document has two pages or a single page. The L and R icons represent the master pages. Master pages can be used to add elements that are present on all pages, such as headers and footers, and page numbers.


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