What are the columns in PageMaker 7.0?
We often require the use of columns when creating newspapers and brochures in PageMaker. You can create columns manually by setting the width of your text block, so this process can be made easier by creating columns.
As you create columns with PageMaker, a set of guides (like page margins) are added to the page. When you first create your document, its default is one column per page. PageMaker provides the option to create 20 columns on a page. There will be a "gutter" in the middle of each column. The gutter adds some white space between each column so the text will not appear above the next column.
Note: If you want to set columns for all pages of your document, set them on the master page.
How to Insert Column in Page Maker 7.0
- To create a column, first, click on the Layout menu and select the Column Guide option.
- This command creates several columns of equal width, fitting them within the margins of the page. If the text or graphics are already on the page, PageMaker can change them to align with the revised column setup if you select the adjusted layout in the Column Guide dialog box.
- The Utilities> Plug in> Grid Manager command fits columns within any area you specify, or creates columns of a specified width.
- You can create up to 20 columns on a page.
How to set column on page
- Go to the page or master page where you want the column.
- Choose Layout Menu> Column Guide. The Column Guide dialog box will open in front of you.
- Type the number of desired columns in the Number of Columns box and the space between the columns in the box with Space Between Columns (Gutter). If
- If you are setting the left and right pages separately, type the values for both pages.
- If you want the existing text and graphics on the page to be adjusted in the column setup, select Adjust layout and then click Ok. PageMaker creates a specified number of columns, equally spaced and the same size.
What are the gutters in PageMaker 7.0?
There is an inside margin or blank space gutter between two facing pages. You have read many books and know how to connect the pages of the book. The two pages are joined together as if their writing is not lost.
To do this, on one side of the page (from which it should be attached to the other page) leave some empty space so that the things in the book are not hidden. Then use that empty space in the bookbinding.
Similarly, in the PageMaker, the gutter margin is left blank on one side of the page, if its hardcopy is removed and binding is done, then the text inside it is not hidden. This is why the gutter margin proves to be a good option.